Men Utd: We have a monthly meeting -usually 1st Wednesday of the month – specifically for men of all ages…more of the “all” would be welcome!
We frequently meet at 6:30pm for a meal, cooked by guest chef s[suggested donation of £7 to cover cost], before going to hear our guest speaker at 7:30pm. Come to both or just one! Speakers have covered topics such as Angling and conservation; Rugby [P Marshall]; Politics [G Donaldson], the secret listeners of Gilnahirk; 10,000 green bottles [Ok, only 8000 and no they weren’t all green]; LIFT; MAF, Desert Island Disc; Sciatica and Peregrine falcons to name but a few…
We do try to have a varied programme; we meet with God and amazingly we have some craic as they say. In June is the legendary day out when we really let our hair down – if we’ve any left and then finish the season together…eating!
Go on, give it a go and come along…